Creative Writing teaching

Creative Writing teaching:

Open University Creative Writing tutor for A174 Start Writing Fiction, 2009-2010, and A215 Creative Writing, 2008- present.

Open College of the Arts Creative Writing tutor, assessor, and course updater, 2005, 2008-2015.
Emerging poet Daniel Crowley's reflections on being an OCA student
Daniel went on to have some of his poems published - well done, Daniel!
My very first OCA student, Mavis Gulliver, has had a poetry collection and a trilogy of children's fiction published, all well worth reading.

In 2012 I was an Arvon Foundation tutor for Open College of the Arts students, Lumb Bank, Yorkshire.
Prizewinning writer, Guy Le Jeune, describes his week at Arvon

I have run creative writing workshops for:
York Writer's Circle
Buzzwords, Cheltenham
Wandsworth Libraries
The Open College of the Arts

I have adjudicated creative writing competitions for:
White Leaf Press
Harrogate Writer's Circle
Wandsworth Council Family Learning service
Fabula Press

Author talks:
York Literature Festival
Buzzwords, Cheltenham
York Writer's Circle
York Festival of Storytelling

BA (Hons) 2:1 in English Literature and Educational Studies, Oxford Brookes University.
PGCE in Primary Education (Infant and Writing specialisms), Goldsmiths College.
MA in Creative Writing and Personal Development, Sussex University.
PTLLS (Creative Writing specialism), Richmond College of Adult Education.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Read this article where you find even more solutions for common mistakes of novice writers.

York Literature Festival HUB 2018 event, Tuesday, 20th March

I'm looking forward to my first event for absolutely ages - at the York Literature Festival HUB. Many thanks to YLF and Valley...